Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Library Programming: STORYTIME: Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. May’s themes: “Dance/Music/Motion”, “In the Garden”, “Owls/Birds with the Black Hills Raptor Rescue Center” and “Play to Learn Stations”. BLACK HILLS RAPTOR RESCUE will be visiting the library during Storytime on Wednesday, May 15. The public is welcome to come and learn about these fascinating creatures! COWBOY CARNEGIES: WYOMING’S HISTORIC LIBRARIES traveling exhibit throughout the month of April. YELLOWSTONE HORSE RANGER BOB RICHARD will present a program on his experiences on Friday, May 17 at 7 p.m. He will also be selling and signing books.
ADULT CRAFT NIGHT: stay tuned! UFOs AT THE LIBRARY: the 4th Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Bring any UnFinished Object to the library and work on it here. We have lots of space, outlets and camaraderie! Call the library for more information. LUNCH BUNCH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meeting April 25, at 11 a.m. at the library. They are reading “Zoo Station” by David Downing. Always on the lookout for new members! CROOK COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD meeting Thursday, May 9, at 1 p.m. in Sundance. CROOK COUNTY LIBRARY FOUNDATION BOARD meeting Wednesday, July 17, at 5:30 p.m. in Hulett. SUNDANCE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 7, at 11 a.m. at the Library. Tell your friends so they can become our Friends!
New Fiction: SOLD ON A MONDAY by Kristina McMorris.
New Non-Fiction: PLANTING FOR HONEYBEES: The Grower’s Guide to Creating a Buzz by Sarah Wyndham Lewis. MEMORY ACTIVITY BOOK: Engaging Ways to Stimulate the Brain, For People Living with Memory Loss or Dementia by Helen Lambert.
New Wyoming Room Non-Fiction: THE CATTLE KINGS by Lewis Atherton. HIKING WYOMING’S WIND RIVER RANGE by Ben Adkison.
New Young Adult: IMPOSTERS by Scott Westerfeld.
New Junior Fiction: COMET RISING by MarcyKate Connolly. CLASH OF BEASTS by Lisa McMann.
New Junior Non-Fiction: INCREDIBLES 2: THE OFFICIAL GUIDE by Disney and Pixar.
New Picture Books: LLAMA LLAMA LOVES TO READ by Anna Dewdney and Reed Duncan. BIRDWATCH by Christie Matheson.
New Board Book: POTTY by Leslie Patricelli.
Submitted by Kim Heaster