Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
I’m writing in response to Mr. Reinhold’s letter last week in which he praises the generosity of liberals toward “the less fortunate.” Sadly, he’s not advocating giving his own money or those of his liberal friends as a charitable contribution.
No, what liberals want is a LAW demanding that the government slice off some of everyone’s income and have it taken by force and redistributed. That is the liberal idea. Charity has always been a mainstay of the American ideal, not forced support for those we don’t even know.
And Mr. Reinhold also appears to want to be the arbiter of how much money people are allowed to make. He bemoans the “fat cat” who makes more money than someone thinks he should and believes that other people should make more than what their labor is worth in a free society.
Who decides? The liberal of course. More government meddling, more bureaucracy, more spending, more taxes.
It’s a dangerous mindset to have and conservatives had better be aware that there are organized forces at work trying to change Wyoming into something similar to present day Colorado. No thanks. I’ll pull on my own boots and decide who I want to help and the way in which I want to help them.
Mac Frank