Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
The Times
April 9, 1919
George Sewell was in Saturday and drove out a new Buick Six care of the latest model, purchased from the Sundance Auto Company, dealers.
To have $6,800,000 spent on Wyoming roads without raise in direct taxation is an appealing thing to a lot of folks. That’s what’s promised under a system already worked out to be approved or disapproved by citizens of Wyoming at special election April 22.
Irve Richards and Joe Deckleman of the Bear Lodge spent Friday night in the city. They showed considerable interest in the special election one week from next Tuesday, stating that people are certainly justified in going to lengths at which they have never heretofore done if necessary to secure good roads. We believe they’re right.
75 Years Ago
April 13, 1944
Donald Nickelson of Aladdin, this year’s Bronc cage center, tied with Lindelkugel, Pierre, for the second place on the all state “A” tournament team, selected by a poll of coaches and officials who participated in the recent tourney at Sioux Falls.
Sunny Divide raises funds for clubmobile: At a benefit dance given Saturday night $106 was cleared to go toward the maintenance of a Red Cross clubmobile, the committee in charge reports. The committee, consisting of Mrs. A.J. Montgomery, Mrs. Gerold Eaton and A.J. Altizer wishes to thank everyone for their cooperation.
50 Years Ago
April 10, 1969
Twelve booths will be erected by the Bear Lodge FFA chapter for its annual carnival Friday night. In addition of a concession stand, other booths will feature fish pond, novelty stand, dart balloon, fish pool, Bingo, baseball throw, dart board, push wheel, coke bottle throw, cane rack, hoopla and cork guns.
Sen. Gale McGee said Tuesday that David A. Brokaw, Sundance city marshal, has been selected by the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy advisory board for appointment to the U.S. Capitol Police Department in Washington, D.C. Brokaw, a Sheridan native and Air Force veteran, has been marshal here since November 1967.He is the first appointee named by McGee since the Senator announced a policy of utilizing appointments to the Capitol Hill police force to further the training and education of young Wyoming peace officers.
25 Years Ago
April 14, 1994
Fred Tschetter told of roaming over much of the Dakotas and Wyoming, oftentimes on foot when he talked to the Crook County Historical Society at their meeting on April 6. He grew up in Garrison, ND where he worked in the coal mine off and on from about age 12. His father had died when he was 10 and for a while he supported the family.
The results of the 1994 Wyoming Writers Children’s Writing Contest have been announced by the contest chair, Kathy Bjornestad. Matthew Lambert, Sundance is the third place winner in the 4-5 grade Prose category. Matthew is the son of Mark and Page Lambert.