Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

March 19, 1919

Moorcroft is soon to have a municipal sewer system if work to that end already progressing shall carry.

County Agent Oldroyd has moved his office to the second floor of the Sundance State Bank building, where he has very convenient quarters.

Spinal meningitis, scarlet fever, flu and smallpox are a few of the principal contagions with which Moorcroft charges Upton in a resolution to the state board of health by the Moorcroft city dads praying for an investigation and possible necessary quarantine of Upton, where it is charged that proper regard is not being given the public under health laws and regulations.

75 Years Ago

March 9, 1944

The Air Medal has been awarded to 1st Lieutenant Wesley C. Huckins, 25, of Sundance, Wyo., the pilot of the Flying Fortress, “Squirmin-Squaw”, at this eighth AAF Flying Fortress base in England. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Huckins of Sundance.

A group of five left Sundance Tuesday to take preliminary examinations at Ft. Warren for military service. Three of the group were volunteers for the navy if accepted and included two seventeen year olds:; Donald Tracy and Billy Jackson of Sundance. Don Hack, also of Sundance was the third. O.C. Dinkins of Sundance and James William Russell of Sundance completed the group.

50 Years Ago

March 13, 1969

Champions were crowned Sunday night as the action ended in the 8th annual Sundance Bowling Association tournament. Winners in the local men’s event were Bum Butzer, singles; Ken Thiemann and Dave Roehrs, doubles; Kenny Dudrey, all-events; and Boyd’s Super Market, team.

Debbie Gerhart, Sundance high school sophomore, has been named to the all-state band. A clarinetist, she is the only musician from Sundance to be selected for all-state honors.

Albert Perino, Four Corners, has won a new International pickup in the Standard Oil Co. farm sweepstakes held recently. The announcement of Perino’s award was made by Tom Graham, local Standard Oil bulk dealer.

25 Years Ago

March 10, 1994

Amanda Kreuter, a fifth grader at Sundance Elementary has won the first round of the 1994 Arbor Day poster contest. Amanda’s poster depicts a hiker looking at a tree “up close”.

Jennie Curren Aladdin has been nominated to attend the 1994 session of the National Youth Leadership Forum on medicine. The Forum will be held in Boston and will be attended by 350 juniors and seniors from across America.

The winners of the businesses that decorated their windows for the Red, White and Blue Week are: First place – Head Start Daycare; Second – Hillside Pharmacy. The fifth graders who designed flags for the week did an excellent job. The three winners were: Jordan Oster, Carrie Fowler and Tyler LIndholm.