Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Event benefits Special Olympics Wyoming athletes
The Jackalope Jump is a unique opportunity for individuals, organizations, and businesses to raise much needed funds for Special Olympics Wyoming athletes at the local, area, and state level by taking an icy dip into freezing waters. Money raised goes to Crook County Special Olympics and to Wyoming Special Olympics.
Jumpers must raise the minimum amount of $100 to earn the privilege of taking the plunge. Jumpers can raise additional funds and earn extra incentives along the way. If joining as a team of 5 or more, each person only has to raise $50 to jump! So grab friends, neighbors, and co-workers and form a team!
Get creative and come ready to win one of the contests:
• Best Costume
• Largest Group
• Most Money Raised by a Group
• Most Money Raised by an Individual
If you do not want to make the plunge, donate to an individual or team and watch them jump!
When: Saturday March 16, 2019
Where: Keyhole State Park Marina
Registration: Begins at noon with the Jump starting at 1 p.m.
Soup and hot cocoa will be provided afterwards for any and all who attend.
Donations can be made at
Click donate, donate to an individual and click on an athlete’s name. Make checks payable to Special Olympics Wyoming (SOWY).
Sundance Athletes:
Kyle Biggs
Adam Perry
Spencer Ward
Chance Duvall
Breanna Ulmer
Bren Anderson
Evin Anderson
Chase Garman
Dalton Byrne
Andrew McCue
Kamby Schuler
Moorcroft Athletes:
Weston Allred
Macie Breaux
Bryce Merchen
Hayden Regan
Hulett Athlete:
Henry Hodges