Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

March 5, 1919

Mr. Mondell’s bill extending the Yellowstone Park to the south and southeast has passed the house of representatives. This bill is the outcome of a general agreement that the park sought to be extended to the south so as to include the eastern slope of the Teton Mountains, Jackson’s Lake, the Tow Ocean Pass and Thorofare Basin. The passage of this bill, and the road construction which will follow, will be of great benefit in rendering the park accessible to central and southern Wyoming, especially Rock Springs and Lander.

Tom Zimmerschied was in this week, accompanying his father, chairman of the county board. Tom has only recently returned with his discharge from the army, looking hale and hearty and greeted by many friends.

75 Years Ago

March 2, 1944

Six men left here Monday to take preliminary examinations for military service. Those who left were George L. Prazma of Moorcroft, Idolo R. Giachino of Alva, Paul G. Watts of Arvada, Dan L. Wiltrout of Moorcroft, Wm. C. Ellis of Newcastle (formerly of Moorcroft) and Dean Hutchins of Sundance.

Post Office Inspector P. R. Fallagher closed the Adon post office on Saturday, Feb. 19. A. C. Carson, postmaster tenured his resignation some time ago, and there was no one in the neighborhood who cared to succeed him. It has been suggested to the post office department that the Adon route from Moorcroft be extended one-half mile north of the present site of the Adon post office, where patrons will erect mail boxes at a road junction.

50 Years Ago

March 6, 1969

Resting in a trophy case at Sundance high school this week is the state Class B wrestling trophy. Coach Dennis Talich’s Bulldogs brought the championship to Sundance Saturday when the action was over at the state tournament in Casper. Moorcroft, which edged Sundance in the district tourney over two weeks ago, placed second with 90 points. The two Crook County high schools swept most of the state honors, winning eight of the 12 individual championships. Sundance had four state champions – Randy Proctor, 103; Tom Pridgeon, 133; Perry Livingston, 138; and Floyd Canfield, 154. John Tenke, 145 and Keith Davidson, 175, placed second in the state meet while third place finishes went to Mike Hutchinson, 112 and Mark Ferrell, 127. Champ Steele placed fourth in the heavyweight class. Individual champions from Moorcroft were Dan Sipe, 112; J.B. Vondra, 120; Fred Zimmerschied, 127; and Dennis Williams, 165.

Big D. Oil Co., Sundance business firm founded in 1934 by Andy Policky, was sold March 1 by Andy, Frances and Don Policky. New owners of the firm are Ted and Virginia Orr, Sundance, and Dick Smith, Kremmling, Colo. Orr said the firm will now be called Ted’s Big D Oil Co.

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