Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
The Times
February 19, 1919
The Fifteenth Wyoming legislature comes to a close on Saturday of this week. Prohibition legislation has consumed much of its time, but the Fifteenth session will go down in history as perhaps the most memorable and important of any to date if for no other reason than the enactment of house bill No. 1 by Representative Hardin, designed to make Wyoming the first woman's suffrage state and the thirty-seventh to ratify the federal amendment, dry as a bone.
75 Years Ago
February 17, 1944
Results of the voting of the entire student body of the Sundance high school to pick the most popular boy and girl in each class were announced Tuesday evening. Pictures of the two winners in the Senior class, John Trotter and Neda Robinson, will appear together with the names of the winners in the remaining classes: Junior Class – Ethel Anderson and Carl Reimer. Sophomore Class – Margaret Sipe and Dick Durfee. Freshman Class – Nina Reimer and Leonard Snooks.
The above picture was taken in the jungles of New Georgia by a correspondent of "Yank" The Army Weekly, and accompanied a detailed account of "one of the U.S. Army's toughest jungle actions – the 12-day drive from Munda airfield to the sea. The picture appeared in the Oct. 15, 1943 issue of that publication with the caption: Pfc. Cecil G. Crago of Sundance, WYO., used to work on a ranch. In the New Georgia fight he and his squad came close to being wiped out by the Japanese dual-purpose AA guns."
50 Years Ago
February 20, 1969
Lyle Warner, owner of at the Aro Café, Friday night was elected president of the Sundance Commercial Club. Paul Sharp was elected vice-president with Harold Bernd continuing in the post of secretary-treasurer.
Three women's city bowling championships were won by local bowlers during the woman's tourney recently. Mrs. Ilene Sipe won the singles event with 571 while the Clara Harvey – Edna Binney team won the doubles crown with 1115. Mrs. Harvey also won the all-events title, posting a 1666 total.
25 Years Ago
February 24, 1994
A jealous Tinkerbell (Laura Reinhold, left) reacts as Wendy (Mandi Marr) and Peter (Nick Gill) exchange "kisses" (thimbles) in "Peter Pan".