Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Personal Property and Oil and Gas Renditions were mailed January 4, 2019 to all businesses, including agricultural producers and oil and gas companies that currently have an active account on the tax roll, says County Assessor Theresa Curren. This is the time to update the equipment account with those items that have been sold or purchased.
If a business did not receive a rendition in the mail, then we do not have the information needed for the tax roll. Please contact the office at 307-283-2054 for reporting requirements.
All renditions are due by March 1, 2019.
Sign up for Veteran Exemption
The veteran exemption is intended to assist eligible veterans or their widows by lowering their property tax liability. The exemption may be applied to either property taxes or vehicle registration fees.
The tax benefit will vary depending on the number of mill levies required in the claimant’s district. Veterans and their widows that qualify need to sign for the exemption every year from January through May 28, 2019.
For more information about this tax benefit, please call 307-283-2054.