Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The letter by Randy Leinen of January 24th had some valid points regarding the sausage making process known as an omnibus bill. They say making sausage is an ugly process, and so too with government spending bills.

If each link of the sausage were made simply out of separate ingredients, perhaps the meat, the fat, the gristle and the less desirable parts, who then would purchase it, or vote for it? It’s only by the give and take, tit for tat, that any law maker concedes on one issue to gain advantage for his district or lobbyist.

I’ll admit it’s not an ideal situation. Who then in Congress will step up and author a bill to eliminate this methodology? Anyone? Hello? Nancy? How about proposing such a change? Hmmm.

And regarding the “shutdown”, I kinda like it! Has anyone noticed any difference at all? Not me. The sun still rises, the electricity still functions, the Internet runs without a hitch, and the food stores are still open for business.

And those 800,000 government workers (all with cush jobs) being held “hostage”? I could only hope to have such a position. ALL will receive back pay whether they worked or not. Amazing. This is like union school teachers that go out on strike and still get the same salary whether they did their job or not. Boo hoo.

Thoreau said, “That government is best which governs least”, and I wholeheartedly agree.

Mac Frank