Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Greetings from...Cheyenne! It was a busy first week with the inauguration of Governor Mark Gordon and the start of the 65th General Session of the Wyoming Legislature. As of Friday, more than 200 bills had been filled for consideration and committee work was in full swing.
One of the highlights was hearing Governor Gordon deliver his first State of the State address to a Joint Session of the House and Senate. This was our first opportunity, as legislators, to hear from Governor Gordon about his vision for Wyoming and goals for the coming year.
I look forward to working with the Gordon administration on shared priorities, including right-sizing government, reducing spending and promoting our energy resources, moving forward.
I have filed five bills so far this session:
HB0015 - Motor vehicles-titles and bills of sale.
This bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and was referred to the House Transportation Committee for consideration
HB0055 - Transport of mobile homes-copy of title.
This bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and was referred to the House Corporations Committee for consideration
HB0097 - Taxation of broadband internet infrastructure.
This bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration
HB0098 - Rights of way-communications services.
This bill has been introduced in the House of Representatives and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration
HJ0003 - Supreme court justices-senate confirmation.
This resolution was received for introduction in the House.
I have also signed on as a cosponsor of SF0075 (Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments.). Second amendment rights are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and it is important we preserve those rights. More than 30 members of the Legislature have signed onto the bill – a positive sign for likelihood of success.
Heading into this session, key topics for discussion include criminal justice reinvestment, addressing Wyoming's revenue streams to support the economies of today and tomorrow, education, healthcare, work related to ENDOW and economic development and continued efforts to increase efficiency, transparency, and responsiveness in state government.
As these topics move through the House, I will continue to update you about my work and votes.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve the people of House District 1 this session. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 307-282-0968 or email me at [email protected]. You can also find updates about my work on my Facebook page,
Representative Tyler Lindholm
House District #1