Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
January 14, 2019
Regular Meeting
Roger Connett Darryl Baker
Chairman Vice-Chairman
January 14, 2019
Members Present: Members Absent: Visitors: Staff:
Chairman, Roger Connett Lonnie Galloway Tim Lyons
Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker Ryan Kaski Betty Lantis
Mary Yemington Ken Rathbun
Rodney Geil Joe Baron, County Attorney
Joe Lambert
Bonnie Beaudoin
Callie Hilty
Amanda Miller
Bob W. Rudichar
Ed Scott
David Hull
Chairman, Roger Connett called to order the regular meeting of the Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission January 14, 2019 at 7:02 p.m.
Amend and Adopt the Agenda
Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker made a motion to accept the agenda; Mary Yemington seconded the motion which carried.
Approval of the Minutes
Chairman, Roger Connett asked if there were any additions or corrections to the December meeting minutes. Vice-Chairman, Mary Yemington made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held December 10, 2018 as written; Darryl Baker seconded the motion which carried.
Joint Public Hearing – Sundance Ridge Estates Subdivision
Chairman, Roger Connett opened the joint public hearing for the Sundance Ridge Estates Subdivision at 7:03 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from any one attending the meeting. Joe Baron, County Attorney stated that the information he had received for review was incomplete. Discussion was held concerning errors in the draft of the Covenants, the 3:1 lot ratio of Lot 5 along the proposed cul-de-sac, the un-defined use of the access right-of-way, the CCNRD soils review report, discrepancies between the Disclosure Statement and Covenants concerning Association fees and the proposed street names. Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker made a motion to continue this hearing to the next CCLUP&ZC meeting and at that time review the requested corrections; Rodney Geil seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the Sundance Ridge Estates Subdivision at 7:42 p.m.
Public Hearing – Oudin Hill Subdivision
Chairman, Roger Connett opened the public hearing for the Oudin Hill Subdivision at 7:50 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from any one attending the meeting. Mary Yemington stated that it appeared to her that all the issues had been addressed. Discussion was held about the subdivision now being proposed as one lot and that if approved the lot will not be able to be further divided, the WYDOT Access Permit Application providing access to the remaining parcel and the typographical errors in the draft Covenants. Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker made a motion to recommend moving the application on to the Board of County Commissioners for final approval contingent on the mentioned items being resolved; Rodney Geil seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the Oudin Hill Subdivision at 8:01 p.m.
Public Hearing – Kaiser Subdivision
Chairman, Roger Connett opened the public hearing for the Kaiser Subdivision at 8:06 p.m. and asked if there were any public comments from any one attending the meeting. Ed Scott and David Hull, landowners and Pine Haven Volunteer Fire Fighters provided additional comments and recommendations. Ed Scott stated that in February 2018 the Board of County Commissioners approved the “Crook County Community Wildfire Protection Plan”. The purpose of this document “is to clarify and refine the priorities for the protection of life and property in the Wildland urban interface.” The document further states that “it is our goal to identify and implement projects that will protect residents living in the Wildland urban interface as well as firefighters and emergency personnel.” And it identifies the Pine Ridge Area as “High Risk” stating “This whole area has major problems with ingress and egress, homes with very little defensible space around homes, very thick juniper understory with pine overstory, small acreages with no grass management are all factors that make Pine Ridge very High Risk.” Discussion was held about the concerns of wild fire in the Pine Ridge area, the 60-foot access easement, the construction of the road and cul-de-sac, the 3:1 lot ratio, needed typographical corrections to the disclosure statement and covenants. Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker made a motion to continue this hearing to the next CCLUP&ZC meeting; Mary Yemington seconded the motion which carried. Chairman, Roger Connett closed the public hearing for the Kaiser Subdivision at 8:56 p.m.
Old Business
Chairman, Roger Connett opened discussion concerning amendments to the subdivision regulations. It was decided by unanimous consent to table this item until the current subdivisions before the commission have been completed.
Vice-Chairman, Darryl Baker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mary Yemington seconded the motion which carried. The Crook County Land Use Planning & Zoning Commission regular monthly meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting
Monday, February 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Crook County Jury Room, Sundance, Wyoming.
Timothy R. Lyons