Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
125 Years Ago
The Sundance Gazette
W.C. Hall Editor and Publisher
December 8, 1893
Dr. Baker reports a new girl at the home of Wm. Schloredt on Medicine Flat. All doing well. Uncle Fred when told about it said “Only one? Huh!” But that’s one more than he has.
Dr. Frackelton, the dentist, arrived here this week and has so much business on hand that he has decided to remain here for five days more. He is a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, and fro work performed here evidently is among the best in his chosen profession.
The city council held a regular meeting on Monday evening last. Hon. Tom Hooper, agent for Henry Keets, the new proprietor of the water system, submitted a proposition to the council for the city to purchase the water system. His proposition is for the city to give Mr. Keets $10,000 in bonds to draw 6 per cent interest per annum, the bonds to run for 20 years: in return he will on January 1, 1894, turn over to the city the entire water system and protect its title to same. The mayor appointed a committee of three to wait on Mr. Hooper during the present week and secure his very best price for cash or bonds. The council will meet next Monday to listen to the report of said committee and take further action in the matter.
75 Years Ago
December 9, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Al S. Lofgren and Bob Sell, all of Aladdin had a narrow escape from death Saturday morning when the car in which they were riding turned over two or three times after a crash at the St. Onge-Spearfish intersection north of Deadwood. Joe Trezona of St. Onge, driver of the other car, reportedly turned onto the main highway from the St. Onge road without observing the car. The occupants of both cars escaped with minor bruises. The Sell car, however, was extensively damaged.
Fred Good advises the Times this week that he has made application for the priorities necessary for the construction of a locker plant in Sundance. He expects to know the decision of the board in about two weeks.
County Treasurer Binney received word this week from Secretary of State, Mart Christensen, that license plates for Crook County will not arrive until sometime between Dec. 19 and 24. They were originally scheduled to arrive the first of the month. Christensen pointed out that the plates, which are made of treated plywood, one to a vehicle, will be available long before most of the states. He said that Colorado will not receive its plates until late January and it will be next March before motorists in Massachusetts will get theirs.
50 Years Ago
December 5, 1968
State Senator Earl Christensen (Crook-Weston) has been elected as the new president of the state senate. Christensen was elected at a recent Republican legislative caucus in Casper.
Thirty-five Wyoming 4-H members are spending a week in Chicago at the National 4-H Club Congress. The expense-paid trips are a reward for outstanding achievement in 4-H project work. Attending the trip from Crook County are Sandra McCullough, Moorcroft and Linda Simons, Beulah.
25 Years Ago
December 9, 1993
Approximately fifteen to twenty persons showed up for the public hearing on the proposed changes in operations and fee and rate schedules at the meeting of the Sundance City Council. Most of the comments centered on two areas: garbage pickup and the police force. The council made some decisions on the proposed revisions. They eliminated the sergeant position on the police force, leaving two officers and the chief of police. They will have the landfill operate on a twenty hour week and will reduce garbage pick-up to once a week. The contract janitorial services for City Hall will be eliminated and at least one summer position on the mowing crew. The city will deny water, sewer and garbage service to any new customers outside the city limits who refuse annexation. Swimming will be reduced to July and August. The general summer recreation budget will be reduced by 20 percent. They will reduce the deputy clerk/treasurer to 30 hours per week and will adjust the town rate and fee schedules.