Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
The Wyoming Game and Fish would like to remind sportsmen about the Stop Poaching Hotline. Each year, animals are taken illegally in Wyoming and, without tips from concerned members of the public, many of these crimes would go undetected or unsolved.
The Stop Poaching Hotline is designed to allow people to report wildlife crimes and remain anonymous, which is often an integral part to people feeling safe about revealing information on wildlife crimes. The reporting party is encouraged to leave their contact information so a game warden can follow up on the report to obtain critical details.
“Often times we get a valuable tip and begin working on a poaching case only to hit a dead-end. If we could follow up with the reporting party, we may get one more piece of information that is critical to making the final case. We hope people recognize that they can leave their contact information with the dispatcher on the Stop Poaching Hotline and still remain anonymous to the violator,” says Aaron Kerr, Law Enforcement Coordinator.
There are many ways to report a wildlife violation to the Stop Poaching Hotline. Most people call the Stop Poaching Hotline at 1-877-WGFD-TIP or report online from the Game and Fish website.
Other ways include Android users who can use an App called WGFD Tips which can be downloaded from Play Store. Both Apple and Android users can also text the keyword WGFD to 847-411 and details of the violation.
Individuals submitting information leading to a conviction may be eligible for a reward through the Wyoming Wildlife Protector’s Association.