Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Sorted by date Results 276 - 300 of 538
Dear Editor, Military history. If it were not for the U.S. Military, we would not have a country and our senators would not have their jobs. Less than one-half of one percent of all Americans join the U.S. Military and have made the ultimate sacrifice and were and still are willing to give their life for their country. I need help from my two Wyoming Senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis, about a veterans’ pay issue: disabled veterans travel reimbursement. I am a 73-year-old disabled Vietnam veteran with an 80% disability from Agent Orange....
It has long been the mantra of parenting gurus for adults to monitor social media posts for the children in their lives and have access to their phones. It was for their own protection, to keep them safe from child predators and the like. As the student got older and developed perception, the basic advice was the oversight could be gradually decreased as the child approached adulthood. But recent events have opened that advice to re-examination. One event was the overdose death of the 16-year-old son of a prominent California doctor who gives...
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. – Gen. 1:27 What does it mean when the Bible tells us we are created in the image of God (Latin: Imago Dei)? Are we gods? Exact replicas, duplicates and in full expectation of all the power He possesses? Essentially it is our mental, moral and social framework. The substance of what we live by and more importantly, how we relate to others. This image (reflection) also deals in dignity, destiny and freedom. It provides a support for living...
It surprises me that a peculiarly British phenomenon has wedged its way into the news cycle here in the Midwest, as I personally would not have considered it news. I speak of an article that recently appeared even in Wyoming’s newspapers about the narrowest home in England going up for sale. This London abode might be less than six feet across, but it’s hardly far from the norm. With your spacious homes and sprawling yards, you Wyomingites clearly don’t realize how good you have it. In Brita...
By Senators Cheri Steinmetz and Ogden Driskill; Representatives Hans Hunt, Shelly Duncan and Chip Neiman Wyoming is facing historic revenue shortfalls. Declining energy production and prices, which have long been our state’s economic drivers, have created a budget deficit that is going to get even worse in the next two biennia. The Legislature and residents have to decide: our government must either create new revenue streams (taxes) or significantly reduce government services and programs. N... Website
Dear Editor, Congratulations to Liz Cheney for putting the country before politics. I admire her for doing so, when knowing she would be ridiculed for taking this action. I wish more politicians would do this for the sake of our country’s best interest. Instead of upholding someone who has no respect for anyone or for what our country stands for. Every time I view the films of Jan. 6, 2021, it is so hard to realize this took place in the United States. Very disheartening and was uncalled for. Respectfully, Tiny Bush Dear Editor, Regarding ...
Using both tight budgets and a pandemic as excuses, the dumb idea of limiting printed public notices in Wyoming newspapers has reared its ugly head again in the Legislature in Cheyenne. Wyoming citizens should be both outraged at this proposal plus the fact that their taxes are paying for the lobbyists who are pushing for it. Crazy. Here is a fact: there are some people in government who like working out of the public’s eye. They do not like reporters or, worse yet, pesky citizens poking their noses into their work. To many of our city and c...
There is scandal afoot in my homeland. For reasons best known to their mutual marketing teams, two British purveyors of breakfast foods are trying to promote a disastrous combination of flavors. Before you, in your enviable innocence, will be able to process the true evil of this campaign, I’ll need to explain the two ingredients involved. The first is a breakfast cereal called Weetabix™. I’m told it’s available on these shores but, while it’s the most popular cereal in Britain, it doesn’t even...
Greetings Crook and Weston Counties, I’m writing with an update to overview some of the information on the happenings at the virtual session. As I have shared before, what we dealt with were bills that had been discussed during the interim. One would think that after going through committees over the year there would not be much discussion. That was not always the case. Some of the more heavily talked about issues included HB 0054, which dealt with the Statewide Health Information Exchange. While the ability to move records quickly from d...
We are troubled by the commission’s decision not to form a solid waste district for Crook County. Not because we feel one way or the other about the county’s trash issues, but because this is not how our democracy is supposed to work. We believe the commission has made what it feels is the right decision in light of what they believe to be the mood of the people. Unfortunately, we’re not sure they realize that, by doing so, they have taken a crucial decision about the county’s future out of the hands of its citizens. The original request...
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Regarding “Local Republicans Censure Cheney,” I was surprised because I consider myself a “local Republican” and I did not censure Representative Cheney. Reading further confirmed that the Republican Party of Crook County (“RPCC”) was probably causing Edmund Burke to spin in his grave. Burke, a conservative long before Crook County was dreamed up, defined the boundaries of representative government as follows: “[I]t ought to be the happiness and glory of a Representative, to live in the strictest union, the cl...
President Joe Biden’s moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on public lands is a bad idea and certainly cause for concern for Wyoming and Johnson County. But to hear Wyoming’s politicians describe the pause, it will be the downfall of our children’s education. We do not favor the moratorium, especially since Wyoming, with 29 million federally owned acres, will be disproportionately affected. But make no mistake, elected officials claims that the moratorium is the cause of our state’s education funding woes are disingenuous. Prior to this ex...
We started our virtual session on January 12, gaveling in for a one-day start on the session. Bills were read in and assigned to committees and then we gaveled in with our committees, meeting virtually on January 19,20 and 21. The bills were all interim committee bills. We then reconvened on January 27 to work around 55 bills split between the House and Senate. The session was available either virtually or in person. I have attended both the gaveling in on the 12th and the session from January 2...
Dear Editor, I appreciate the opportunity given by our local newspaper to express opinions in this venue. Today, I’m addressing my opinion regarding an ad that appeared in last week’s newspaper as a result of two things, a national ad campaign which is now possible in part due to the changes occurring legislatively regarding perception of this topic and the subsequent changes in funding. My opinion noted here is a continuation of my last opinion about the need for all of us to remain smart about topics in and around us in our community, our...
It’s amazing what you can get away with when you simply refuse to acknowledge your own actions. I disappeared down an internet rabbithole this week as I explored the story of a gentleman from the UK who has spent months running a Japanese restaurant from his home while denying he is running a Japanese restaurant from his home – and getting away with it. Sherlock Holmes would not have found this a mystery worthy of his attention, but somehow the local council has been unable to solve it. The gre...
There are many things happening in our community, state and country right now that make me shake my head. Let us start locally, last week on the day of President Joe Biden’s inauguration a resident of Ten Sleep burned an effigy of President Biden with a sign that said “not my-our president.” For several weeks, a resident outside of Worland, greets drivers coming to or leaving Worland with a sign that says “F#$% Biden” and “F#$% those who voted for Biden.” I understand that people are unhappy with the election, some even feel, just like Pre...
Dear NP, I was recently diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. What risks are associated with this diagnosis? What is the best way to increase my vitamin D level? Dear Reader, Vitamin D deficiency can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms. These can include fatigue, depression, slow wound healing and many more symptoms. Most people are diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency after experiencing one or more of these symptoms, so the fact that you’ve been diagnosed means you’re already on the right tra...
Online petitions are a joke. There I said it. If you have signed one recently, I apologize if I have offended you but I am only being honest and realistic. I say they are a joke only because I believe online petitions serve no real purpose. There is a place and time for petitions but they have to be run properly and in accordance with the law. Currently there is a petition to “Recall Liz Cheney” on First, Wyoming does not allow for a recall so the petition will not invoke any real change. As of Tuesday there were nearly 35,000 sig...
The United States is notorious for the pride it takes in the Constitution – and rightfully so. It’s held up for good reason as the sacred document that protects this nation from tyranny and keeps the great machines of government working as intended. All the recent talk about this hallowed piece of writing got me wondering. Why doesn’t my own country have a written constitution? It turns out there are many reasons the UK constitution remains an ephemeral thing, never captured in the confi...
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matt. 16:15 So many questions and so much time. We tend, bend and spend towards little purposeful living, with tremendous expectations of our just rewards. Shorting the questions and demanding an abundance in answers with little regard to our needs. God desires to be known and is best found through our coming to Him with a mind that is willing and able to accept Him on His terms. Jesus asked the disciples “who do you say that I am?” as He knew th...
When I moved to America, it was fortunate for all involved that I didn’t need to learn a language in order to get by. Speaking in anything other than English has never been my forte, so I was relieved to know that, aside from when our versions of the mother tongue diverge, I would be mostly comprehensible to friends on either side of the seas. But English wasn’t the only language on the table, as it turned out. It was just the most obvious form of communication. There are other ways to fra...
On Tuesday, the Wyoming Legislature gaveled in the start of the 66th Legislative Session. Now begins our hard work on behalf of the people of Wyoming. This year presents distinct challenges, both operationally and on a host of budget and policy issues. The continued impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic pose notable obstacles to the Legislature’s work. Our top priorities are to safely, effectively and transparently carry out the work of the people we are elected to serve, and to ensure the h...
Dear Editor, Holy crap, who knew! There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I discovered this after attending the January 6 Crook County Commissioners meeting, at which they held a hearing concerning the request to establish a county wide Solid Waste Tax Assessment District to support Moorcroft’s city dump. I was astounded to hear Moorcroft’s Mayor state at this meeting, that if only we would agree to access all of the property owners in Crook County an additional three mills of tax, on top of what they may already be paying to d...
It’s common for newspapers to publish a “review of the year” each December or January – you may have seen exactly such a thing a couple of weeks ago in your very own Sundance Times. I was not, however, expecting journalists across my homeland to simultaneously come up with an unexpected twist on the old classic. For reasons I haven’t been able to ascertain, a number of local newspapers in Britain have eschewed the usual wrap-up of important local events and replaced it with a ranked listing o...
“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?” – John 4:11 Can you live your life both quickly and deeply? Blowing through life, hoping something of substance or significance will stick? Is it wise? Is it clever or crippling? Living but losing your life and all that is precious along the way? Quick has become a way of existing for many and the resulting solitariness that turns itself into loneliness is apparent. We all must be a...