Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


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  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 27, 2022

    Dear Sundance area residents, We moved to the area almost seven years and LOVE it here! We own a home on Canyon Springs Road and so enjoy living in the country EXCEPT one night a year...Halloween! When we lived in towns we always decorated like crazy and would play Halloween music during Trick or Treating hours, and handed out lots of candy. Loved see everyone out having fun and enjoying a good old fashioned event! Since we moved to the country we have missed all that fun and have many times said we need to find a spot in town to set up to see...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Oct 27, 2022

    Dear NP, I was recently diagnosed with sciatica. What causes it? I have tried numerous medications without any relief. What are some other alternatives for treatment? Will physical therapy help? Dear Reader, Sciatica is often caused when a herniated disc or overgrowth of bone (bone spurs) in the lower back puts pressure on a nerve. You might hear this called a “pinched nerve.” This results in inflammation and pain that can travel from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and even down the...

  • Versed

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Oct 27, 2022

    There are roughly over 31,100 verses in the Bible and of those I do have a few favorites or “life verses.” I never set out to make this list, they found me and took off the “rough edges” in my soul. A few of my favorites in no particular order. 1 Cor. 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. Jer. 33:3: Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Ezra 7:10: For Ezra had prepare...

  • Rod Miller: The Hypocrisy of the Wyoming GOP

    Rod Miller, columnist|Oct 27, 2022

    Reprinted with permission from Once upon a time, the Republican Party in Wyoming was a proud, respected political institution that represented the bedrock conservative ideals of Wyoming’s citizens. But, before our very eyes, the Wyoming GOP is transforming itself into a hypocritical, comic opera theater of the absurd. And it wants desperately for the good people of the Cowboy State to follow them down their path of madness. Today’s Republican Party, and the MAGA brand it rides for, is a hollow caricature of its former sel...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Oct 20, 2022

    Dear Editor, The fifth graders did not get to march in the homecoming parade. I interpreted that as some sort of discrimination. I went to the grade school to talk to someone. I was told that several of the fifth grade class were involved in other activities and were not available to represent their class in the parade. It was left to the discrimination of the teacher to march or wait. The teacher decided to have his students stand and wait there on Main Street. I strongly disagree with that decision. The weather was cool and misty. At 12:30...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Oct 20, 2022

    A tiny building hit the news last week when it went on sale for more than the price of a family home. The structure in question is a beach hut in my home county of Dorset, and to explain why it’s so expensive is going to take some unpacking. Beach huts are a quintessential part of the seaside in my part of the world, and also a uniquely British phenomenon. You’ll find them scattered across other nations’ shores, but nobody else loves them quite like the Brits do. Beach huts are teeny cabin...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgen|Oct 13, 2022

    It’s always nice to hear that one of my compatriots has been enjoying a dish from my homeland, even when they didn’t know that was where it was from. I’d thought the clue was in the name, but even a feature so defining doesn’t work if you’ve never heard of the person it was intended to honor. I speak of Beef Wellington, one of the more refined of Britain’s culinary exports. It’s a luxury dish that wraps a tenderloin in duxelles, parma ham and pastry and serves it with a Madeira sauce, and it’s every bit as delicious as it is time-consuming...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Sep 29, 2022

    Last week, we said our final goodbye to a woman who has been a constant presence throughout most of our lives – whether you come from the UK or not. Until that moment, I couldn’t have told you what it means to have a queen. Not really. I couldn’t have explained it because I have never known what it’s like not to have one. Until now. I could wax lyrical about the good things Queen Elizabeth II has done for this world, and for her people. The “soft” power she wielded in the best way possible: b...

  • Keys

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Sep 29, 2022

    I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death – Rev. 1:18 Keys are important. They are essential to both opening and closing. Be it a door, concept or heart. The following are key verses in several books of the Bible. May they assist you in grasping that which God has always been faithful in providing. EXODUS 3:10: Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt. JUDGES 17:6: In those days there was no k...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Sep 22, 2022

    I have pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. To one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. In other words, I write to you for the first time this week as an American. Last week, after more than a decade of earning the right, I traveled to Casper to stand with 22 other immigrants and take the oath of allegiance. It was a privilege afforded to me after passing the final test earlier this summer and being...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Sep 8, 2022

    Dear NP, The news is full of information about monkeypox. Since my children are preparing to return to school, I am worried about their exposure. What are the signs and symptoms of monkeypox? How is it transmitted? Is it deadly or debilitating? I would appreciate you sharing any other information you may have Dear Reader, Monkeypox has been prominently featured in the news recently. This spring, an outbreak began in the United States, raising concerns that more and more cases would develop. The...

  • Wisdom

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Sep 1, 2022

    Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding – Prov. 4:7. Wisdom. Skill. The key to knowledge (facts); understanding (insight); and instruction (discipline). It is the voice of God and the answer to life. Wisdom is principal or primary in our living, as it reveals the permanence and ultimate reality of God. It is much more than a concept; it is the foundation upon all must see the world as God intended. Wisdom has its foundation in the Word of God. Wisdom also finds its source in and t...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Sep 1, 2022

    Considering my nationality, it’s unlikely I’ll elicit much shock when I say that I love a good cup of tea. Of the habits I’ve retained on this side of the ocean, a proper cuppa is the one that’s least likely to fade. It therefore surprised me to learn that I’ve been making it wrong all this time – we all have. A chemical engineer from Loughborough University says we should be doing things a particular and very specific way if we want to be truly refreshed. Now, I’m a big fan of science and p...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 25, 2022

    I’ve always been impressed with Wyoming’s dedication to its natural resources. Hearing about our local tree farmers, looking at side-by-side photographs of the Black Hills now and in the time of Custer, reading about mine reclamations and efforts to revitalize areas hit by fire – these are not concepts I’d really thought about before I moved here. Even the fact that the Forest Service’s efforts to update its management plan has led to a little controversy only speaks to me of this deeply he...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 18, 2022

    I am writing this on the Saturday before the primary election on Tuesday. Win or lose, I wanted to thank the voters of Senate District 1, for their support and help through the years. I truly did (do) the best I can to represent their views and wishes. It is a tough job, making many constituents feel hurt, abused and angry. There is almost never a bill that all feel happy about. I truly do not know of a single legislator that I have worked with in my 12 years that didn’t think they were doing the right thing for the State of Wyoming and their c...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 18, 2022

    The concept of personal sacrifice isn’t exactly foreign to these parts. You need only look south to Fish Mountain to be reminded the strong streak of courage that runs through our community. I came across a story from my homeland last week that, on the face of it, is really quite sad. However, its centuries-spanning impact is a testament to the importance of doing the right thing, even when you can’t be sure what impact your actions are going to have – or who exactly will be impacted. Our story...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 4, 2022

    Dear Editor: I am writing in grateful response to the recent restraining order on Wyoming’s trigger abortion ban. District Judge Melissa Owens objected to the Wyoming legislature’s automatic refutation of a woman’s right to determine her own health decisions, after hearing a Jackson OB/GYN and her patient argue a most valid point. That the ban violates a tenet in the Wyoming Constitution, regarding an individual’s right to make our own health care decisions, seems secondary, if confusing – seat belts, speed limits and vaccines notwithst...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Aug 4, 2022

    Dear NP, I suffer from seasonal allergies that are not responsive to multiple antihistamines. I require frequent regimens of prescription steroids to help control my allergy symptoms of swollen eyes, sneezing and cough. How do I know when my allergies are severe enough to see a specialist for allergy testing? Dear Reader, Seasonal allergies are a problem for many people. About 24 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen from trees,...

  • Loving

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Jul 28, 2022

    He who does not love does not know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8). It should be immediately noticed from the above verse who God is. He is love. On its own, humanity cannot sufficiently classify the totality of HIS love. This only comes through intimately knowing and experiencing God and is a crucial concept in the cosmic puzzle as well as a necessity for the soul. Love is not something the world gets to define on its own and place conditions upon, for in that there is no rest or freedom. This results in an unknowable, and unlovable God. Thi...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 28, 2022

    When I say the Brits can’t cope with the heat, I’m not kidding. While Wyoming baked in 104-degree weather last Monday, most of the UK was suffering through exactly the same temperatures. But unlike us, my home nation had to get by with no air conditioning and bodies conditioned for light rain while relying on a countrywide infrastructure system that was not designed to handle a real summer. Why would it have been, when we’d never had one? Our homes are built to trap the heat and don’t come pr...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 14, 2022

    Dear Editor, We are being confronted with a number of crisis that are simultaneously demanding our attention; for example, the Ukraine war and the expense of maintaining an empire of 750 military bases around the world, the rising inflation in fuel prices, groceries, housing, etc., , the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roes vs Wade, the growing disparity of incomes, the unaffordability of health care when hundreds of thousands of people go bankrupt every year because they can’t pay their medical bills and the rising debt incurred by those see...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 14, 2022

    Getting Boris Johnson out of 10 Downing Street has proven to be a lot like trying to persuade a wasp out through an open window. It doesn’t want to go and its main skill set involves dipping and diving past your rolled-up newspaper as though it hasn’t noticed it doesn’t belong indoors. I used to be a fan of Boris, back when he was mostly notable for hanging on zip lines waving flags, the hair of a madman and a policy that introduced bicycles for hire to Londoners. Unfortunately, it turns out t...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Jul 7, 2022

    Dear NP, My teenager has a history of seizures and takes medication to control them. How will this affect his ability to drive? Dear Reader, There are many different types of seizures, and they affect people in various ways. Some seizures cause people to lose control of their bodies entirely. If this were to happen while driving, it could cause a loss of vehicle control and be very dangerous. Fortunately, not all seizures cause this degree of symptoms, and medical therapy can control or...

  • Freedom

    Dave Jagemann, Passtor, Chapel of Faith|Jul 7, 2022

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Freedom: autonomy, self-determination, independence, choice. All very desirable and rightly so, yet wrongly applied to the hurt of self and many. Freedom is recognizing proper authority and submitting to it. The rules, guidelines and those in charge are safety for our being and comfort to the soul. It is not personal preference and a life fueled (ruled) by feelings. It is knowing God’s truth and utilizing it in living. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Hap...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 7, 2022

    Quick, off the top of your head: what edible item are you least likely to include in your dinner plans tonight? If your answer was “stinging nettles”, I’m afraid you’re not going to be much of a contender at an annual event I had no idea has been going on in my home county. I speak of Dorset’s version of the traditional eating contest, which movies have informed me will usually involve scarfing down several thousand hot dogs or cherry pies. However, it would seem my neighbors did not get the m...

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