Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Articles from the August 19, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 37

  • Smoke and mirrors

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    At least on this side of the border, the 81st Sturgis Motorcycle Rally didn't bring nearly the influx of two-wheeled visitors many had been expecting. Compared to the heyday of 20 years ago, says Sheriff Jeff Hodge, this year's Wyoming Wednesday was positively sedate. "It sounds like [numbers] were up in Sturgis," he says, but this didn't seem to translate to the kind of hectic middle of the week Crook County usually experiences. Numbers seemed to be down in both of the usual Wyoming Wednesday...

  • Man arrested for assault in Hulett motel

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    A Belle Fourche man was arrested in Hulett last week after allegedly beating his victim to the point of severe trauma, including kicking him in the face and striking him with a chair. On August 8 at around 7 a.m., an altercation took place outside a room at the Pioneer Motel in Hulett. When the Hulett Police Chief arrived, a male subject answered the door who was allegedly showing signs of severe trauma with blood covering his face. The chief requested a response from EMS. Meanwhile, he reports that a witness advised she had seen two other...

  • Kuhl returns to Treasurer's Office

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    Despite deciding that the charges against County Treasurer Mary Kuhl merit binding her case over to District Court, Judge Wendy Bartlett of the Circuit Court of the 6th Judicial District determined on Thursday that Kuhl should be allowed to return to the office. After announcing her decision to elevate the case to the next tier of the court system, Judge Bartlett was asked to revisit the terms of Kuhl’s bond. “They need her help in the office,” said her lawyer, Jason Tangeman. On behalf of the state, special prosecutor Greg Steward prote...

  • Dorothy Emma Gerhart

    Aug 19, 2021

    Dorothy Emma Gerhart, 94, of Raymond, Illinois, passed away on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at HSHS St. John's Hospital, Springfield, Illinois. Visitation will be held on Friday, August 20, 2021 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Bass Patton Dean Funeral Home, Hillsboro, Illinois. Funeral services will be held on Friday, August 20, 2021, at 11 a.m. at Bass Patton Dean Funeral Home, Hillsboro. Burial will take place in McInturff Cemetery, Mulberry Grove, Illinois. Revered Roy Eller, Pastor of New Hope Baptist...

  • Donald Allan Andersen

    Aug 19, 2021

    Donald Allan Andersen, age 88, passed away peacefully on August 3, 2021, with family at his side in Spokane, Washington. He was born December 18, 1932, to Fritz and Dolly (Fuller) Andersen in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Brothers Bill and Dick followed soon after. His parents later divorced, and his father married Erna Wahl. Later, brother Gene joined the family. Erna was a wonderful stepmother and raised all four boys with lots of love. Don grew up in several towns including Spokane, Kalispell,...

  • Cards of Thanks

    Aug 19, 2021

    Thank You Thank you to the following sponsors for the 2021 Crook County Hereford Show: Empire Ranch, Ivan and Jennifer Cranston, Lee Habeck, Mike and Karen Dirks, Schelldorf Ranches Inc., W Bar Feeds, Ward and Kristy Waters, Largant and Sons, Pearson Ranch, CSC Livestock, Judy Bettman, The Wolf Ranch, Geis Ranch, Wilhelm Cattle. Our Thanks Please accept our heartfelt "Thanks" to all donors to this year's Crook County Rodeo Royalty. Saddle: Neiman Enterprises, White's Queen City Motors, Sundance...

  • Peek at the Past

    Aug 19, 2021

    1 Years Ago August 25, 1921 The date of the Crook County Fair has been set for September 10, 1921. Because of the busy season and also because of the critical financial conditions now in existence throughout the nation, it was decided that it would be better to attempt just a one-day fair this year. Everyone in the county should begin now to prepare exhibits for this fair. The editor was certainly too tired last week to note that the chicken season closed on schedule, but it did. It was a...

  • BeerFest cancelled this year

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    The Sundance Beer Festival has been postponed for this year, but it’s not the end for the much-loved local taste test. The Sundance Chamber of Commerce is already planning the 2022 event, but is in need of volunteers to make it happen. “We really need people to step up and take charge,” says Jamie Jessen, Chamber of Commerce. “The chamber would like to be a partner in the event, but we need someone wanting to take leadership of the event. It’s a blow for beer lovers after COVID-19 restrictions made it necessary to postpone last year’s ev...

  • Moon Walk to host "Introduction to The Night Sky"

    Aug 19, 2021

    The Black Hills National Forest will conduct its third Moon Walk of the year on Sat., Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. The activity will take place at the Sundance Horse Camp, located about five miles from Sundance. Participants will learn how to identify some common constellations and hear stories about various star clusters. Speakers will also share some of the science related to star brightness, distances and other night sky observations. If you are looking for ways to engage your family on future campouts, especially after dark, this public event might in...

  • This Week at Your Library

    Kim Heaster|Aug 19, 2021

    The library will be closed Monday, September 6, for Labor Day. We are still doing curbside and delivery if you would prefer not to come inside. If you are a master gardener, will you please contact the library? We would like to have some gardening programs, and need a master gardener to lead them. Thanks! Thanks to the generosity of Les Fullerton’s family, we now have the Les Fullerton Memorial that is paying for all InterLibrary Loan requests. Displays: If you have a collection you would like to show to Sundance, please let us know! We have t...

  • Biden's land grab – the federal policy for intentional decline

    Harriet Hageman|Aug 19, 2021

    One thing that can be safely said about the Biden Administration is that when you think they could not become even more extreme, they make clear that you underestimate them at your peril. Take President Biden’s Executive Order 14008, entitled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.” Buried on page 9, is Section 216, with the heading, “Conserving Our Nation’s Lands and Waters,” the goal of which is to develop a plan to “conserve at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.” Known as the “30x30” program, the ultimate objective...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 19, 2021

    Dear Editor, Kuhl – innocent until proven guilty? While I am no lawyer, it is my understanding that in the United States, all defendants facing criminal charges are still, to this day, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Perhaps that only applies in our county to people not worthy of front-page news? I guess there is always the room that houses the Court of Public Opinion that some tend to enter hastily, convicting a defendant, long before court proceedings, via town gossip and social media. It’s something many of us, inc...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    If you have been avoiding the idea of a vacation to my hometown because you feared it would be too much of a culture shock, I have great news. A local artist has decided it’s time we become more like our American cousins – the ones from Santa Monica, to be specific. I’ve spoken of Stuart Semple before, as he is very much one of my heroes. A couple of years ago, Semple found himself irritated by the actions of fellow artist Anish Kapoor when he licensed for his own exclusive use the darke...

  • Census shows county grew, but cities shrank

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    The population of Crook County as a whole has inched upwards over the last ten years according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 Census Redistricting Data. However, during that same timeframe, three out of the four county municipalities have shrunk. The data shows that the population of the county has increased by a modest 1.4% since 2010, from 7083 to 7181 citizens. While small, this increase of 91 citizens is positive when compared to the rest of Wyoming, with fourteen of the 23 counties seeing population decreases over the last ten years. H...

  • Storm radar taken offline for repair

    Aug 19, 2021

    The doppler radar that monitors for thunderstorms across the Black Hills came offline on Monday for a two-week rebuild project. A storm that brought hail the size of tennis balls and 80 mph wind gusts last month caused serious damage to the dome that impacted up to 80% of the 70 panels on the dome. The new radome is necessary to protect the radar dish and sensitive electronics. If another thunderstorm hit the radar, the dome could collapse or rain could enter the dome and cause much more serious damage,” said Rapid City Electronics Systems A...

  • COVID-19 second wave continues to grow

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    A booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine is now officially recommended for people with seriously compromised immune systems, representing around 3% of the adult population of the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), these groups are especially vulnerable because they are at more risk of severe, prolonged illness and emerging data suggests they do not always build up the same level of immunity as people who are not immunocompromised. Small studies have also suggested that fully vaccinated but immunocompromised people...

  • Circuit Court

    Aug 19, 2021

    Speeding – Aaron Stewart, GA, 100/75, $185; Thomas Gundlach, UT, 82/70, $120; Everett Lee Zimmerschied, Carlile, 80/65, $135; Jimmy Msemo, KY, 90/80, $105; Buddy L. Morman, Gillette, 92/80, $120; Geneva Murray, AR, 100/80, $160; Alberta Delores Reed, TX, 43/30, $100; Nicolas M. Mcauliffe, OK, 37/20, $155; Scott K. Clark, Gillette, 94/80, $130; James Hanapel, FL, 86/75, $115 No Valid Title, Registration and License Plates – Kyle David Zappitell, WA, $150 Traffic Control Signal Violation – Patrick T. Goldhammer, NV, $140 Fail to Provide Proof...

  • Crook County Sheriff's Office

    Aug 19, 2021

    Aug. 2-8 Aug. 2 – Four paper services. Six VIN checks. Four traffic stops. Business checks. Fingerprints. Civil assist. Motorist assist. Welfare check. Controlled substance. EMS page. Aug. 3 – Eight VIN checks. Seven traffic stops. Business checks. Crash report. Civil assist. Controlled substance. Two EMS pages. Fire page. Aug. 4 – Paper service. Four VIN checks. Three traffic stops. Two welfare checks. Two sets fingerprints. Business checks. Civil assist. Trespassing complaint. Assist to Wyoming Highway Patrol. Crash report. Suspicious circu...

  • Minnesota man arrested for smuggling prescription drugs

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    Jorge Colon Bermudez of Minnesota faces multiple felony possession charges after a large quantity of prescription drugs were discovered in his vehicle during a traffic stop. On August 4 at around 10:17 p.m., a Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper noticed that the vehicle behind was catching up to him as he traveled at 65 mph in the construction zone of I-90. The trooper’s rear radar gave a reading of 80 mph, so he pulled over to allow the vehicle to pass and then conducted a traffic stop. As he approached the vehicle, the trooper reports noticing t...

  • Oregon man arrested with selection of controlled substances

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    An Oregon man was arrested last week after a selection of controlled substances were allegedly found in his vehicle, including ecstasy and Acid. On August 7 at approximately 11:10 a.m., a Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper observed a vehicle traveling at 88 mph in an 80 mph zone and conducted a traffic stop. He identified the driver as Ryan Himmler of Oregon. Himmler allegedly stated he had rented the vehicle in Montana after his own vehicle blew a tire. However, the trooper reports receiving a conflicting story from the passenger and advised...

  • Iowa man given suspended sentence for intent to deliver

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 19, 2021

    Dontaye Burton of Iowa has been given a suspended sentence on a felony charge of possession with intent to deliver after he and a companion were found to be transporting a significant quantity of marijuana products upon being pulled over for speeding on Hwy 212. On December 17, 2020, at around 5:40 p.m., a Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper spotted Burton’s vehicle speeding and conducted a traffic stop. The trooper reports that he approached the vehicle and smelled a very strong odor of raw marijuana before he even got to the open window on the pas...

  • School Revenues and Expenditures

    Aug 19, 2021

    CROOK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 REPORT OF SCHOOL REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Sources and Uses for the Year Ended June 30, 2021 FUNDS General Special Revenue Capital Projects Fund CCSD Capital Projects Fund Enterprise Lunch Internal Service Trust Funds Agency Activity REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES: Local 6,459,836 1,722 1,310 48,129 3,783,266 738,842 County 1,776,270 State 13,519,746 1,429,257 348,516 Federal 1,445,738 626,929 Other 325,000 225,000 25,000 TOTAL REVENUE & OTHER SOURCES 21,755,852 2,876,717 348,516 326,310 900,058 3,783,266 0 763,842...

  • Probate

    Aug 19, 2021

    IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT WITHIN AND FOR CROOK COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TERRY L. NEWLIN, Deceased. Probate No. 5857 NOTICE OF PROBATE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: You are hereby notified on the 3rd day of August, 2021, the Last Will and Testament of the decedent was admitted to probate by the above Court and Michelle Wentz was appointed Personal Representative. Any action to set aside the Will shall be filed with the Court within three (3) months from the date of the first...

  • Bid

    Aug 19, 2021

    WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID The Wyoming Department of Transportation will receive bids electronically through Public Purchase until 11:00 A.M., Mountain Time on September 14, 2021, at which time they will be publicly opened and read for FURNISHING JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE AT THE SUNDANCE REST AREA. A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Inspection will be held at 1:00 p.m., Mountain Time on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at the Sundance Rest Area, off of I-90 at Exit 189, Sundance, Wyoming. Only bids received on Wyoming...

  • City Ordinances

    Aug 19, 2021


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